Blacks Lost
Is the world we live in fair? Did Martin and Malcolm die is vain? There was enormous pain. Are we as a people condemned to violence? Why are our dreams always silenced? Are we as a people too focused on the past when we had a speech, Free at last free at last, thank God Almighty we are free at last? Love thy neighbor and help thy fellow man, what’s your game plan? Are we destined to financial ruin? What’s the African American conclusion? We have overcome redlining, gentrification, unwanted penetration, we were thought of on the level of sanitation and left for dead on the plantation, but there is still neglect. Protest and marches are not helping the cause. Why are we lost? Why is there pause? Why haven’t we ascended up the economic ladder? Education and legislation seem to be the way, but our mental is in disarray. The youth are supposed to be the troops that bring up the rear, but we continue to cry tears!! Years up years of materialism! When will it stop? The law is supposed to protect us but we continue to get shot by the cops.
Our communities are appalling!! 3/5ths of a man and we can’t even control the economies of scale. Loud mouth spooks, scare the troops, withhold the truth. Billions spent as consumers but we have nothing to call home. We continue to roam. Illegal sales, plantation mentality and want to cry foul when it’s our own fault. Crime falls on deaf ears, moms cry in fear. Dads are no were to be found, we have not made an economic sound!!!!
Heaters seem to be the new leaders. The NRA sponsors ownership but the mental is not equipped! Our mentality is hectic, churches fall on deaf ear, we continue to cry out in fear. If the elders can’t lead the new generation to with-hold the law, build communities and stop this senseless killing. We may be all lost. Some say the son of man holds the plan. On earth, we have lost our way. The African American mental continues to stray. Wake up Black America!!!!
Raymond H Smith