I need a 401k. No slave is better than his master. My financial plan has been a disaster. I hustled backward and worked 500 years for free. My family and I had several jobs. We picked cotton, designed the stop light, designed the cotton jin, designed the gas-mask and helped design and build Washington DC. We worked overtime from sun up till sundown. No breaks, no union, there was legalized adultery, fornication and all this happened while we were working on the plantation. I need a 401k! We walked for days in a blaze from the sun. There was never any meritocracy. We were taught by King James if you sin your soul would burn in flames. The EEOC could not save me. We could not pass down generational wealth. We sang about freedom and taking care of our race. Freedom and my 401k would never come. They told me about section 8 and social services. I lived from check to check. I need a 401k!
America the land of the free and home of the Brave!! My children are taken away, you slander my existence!! God stated that we should forgive those with repentance, you just gave my race a lifelong sentence. I’m starting off backward. I just got my Ph.D., 500 years later. I can’t help my race because there is no wealth. Everyone comes and rapes the African American community and we are just at fault. Who’s leading the way? God save us and give us eternity. We have to survive on earth. I need a 401k!!!
Stocks Bonds and Real Estate. I can’t comprehend the concepts. The laws are hidden in books. I learned to read 300 years later. I’m trying to build wealth. I only have 75 years, I spent 30 of those years in school trying to pay for an education. All of this work can’t have been done free, the people complain when I say pay me. Reparations seem to corrupt the common man!! Only God knows what we went through!!! I need a 401k, so I can help the next generation! Are we ever going to graduate and succeed? To many of us have died in debt! Too often the common man has neglect!!! I need a 401k
Raymond H Smith