How can I write thy wrong? My eulogy encompasses good deeds on earth. A kind heart with some misdeeds. Havoc was at a worlds turn. The life of such has seen much. Debating about biblical passages, semantics that did not mean much, some just needed a positive touch. It seems that we were born into sin, we have tried to atone for our mishaps. Stoning an adulterer in today’s society is far fetched. Let him without sin cast the first stone. My eyes have seen much, I wanted to re-enter the womb and ask for a rebirth, but I was subjected and neglected. Stock markets crashed, war in the Middle East and a virus that is causing a crisis. I am standing in the middle of the universe trying to rehearse a verse. God please save me from my flesh. I can attest and protest but some is said out of jest. I’m fighting a battle between man’s law and God’s law. You can’t serve two masters yet I have been chasing a dead man for years, some call him Benjamin.
The church has talked about this omnipresent mythical and savior of mankind since I could open my eyes. Some surmise that he performed miracles in his earthly flesh, some say he walked on water, gave sight to the blind, some say he was baptized by John and some even go as far as to say if your born again you will have everlasting life, some call him Christ.
In a perplexed saga of church and state, we debate the existence of mankind. We are only granted a short time on earth. We have to over come sin, mayhem and misfortune. We were told to honor thy mother and father and that you can write your passage in life with a thought and a voice from your tongue. Some were fortunate to follow Christ and spread his name. No sickness or death will ever come in the Kingdom of heaven. When your narrative is written, will it say Christ guided your life or were you lead astray by Benjamin?