Change Reflect

I am trying to make intercession but we seem to be in a recession, I am perplexed about society and what it can become. Preachers are describing heaven, I usually fall on deaf ears on the Reverend, we are living on earth but what is it really worth? We are blessed to have [a] life but what’s the price? If money was not the root of a high-end society where would you be? Chasing falsehoods and hoping that I could go back to my childhood. Adults seem to be misunderstood. We are chasing men that died years ago, owned plantations and enslaved a race that today still says we are a disgrace but the Benjamin is here to stay. Blessings are rained down on mankind but the flesh is weak and there seems to be no way to stop the negativity in society. False leaders that cause [a] commotion, we seem to need a motion that has the common good of man, do you follow men or Gods game plan?
Destiny’s rise and fall. Saul changed to Paul. We had a new slogan, no justice, no peace! But we are often forgotten and now deceased. Some think we can have world peace? How can common man lend a helping hand when we are judged on our pigmentation, shouldn’t we have a higher mental elevation? You’re judging me but you will not hire me. The same stance is taken to a foreign land. Who’s here to lend a helping hand? Pray for thy enemy, we may see the same person who did us wrong in heaven but do not judge, try to show some love.
Build walls, close school halls, build jails, stop prayer in society. Republicans fighting Democrats, Christians fighting Muslims. Is the end near? Do we cry out in fear? He preaches the message to save our soul but never touches on the problems of society. Neglect, debt, racism, cynicism, speculation and deportation. The pulpit seems to serve the 10%. Is your mental equipped? Were you built for this life, is God looking upon is with spite? Will the human race ever pick up The King James and do what’s right? Or will we sit and wallow in sin, follow an idiot, pay our 10%, and hopefully the problems will end?
Raymond H Smith