Degenerates abusing the word of Christ—the inability to follow structure and divine intervention. The alphabet community seems to have a chock hold on society. Women are not following the order of biblical law and bringing in life before confessing to Christ. Whoremongers that have not indoctrinated family structure. Feminists take an irrational stance and don’t want to be led, only lead the blind. For the sheep know my voice and choose to follow and obey Christ. Society is Fallon on deaf ear, the devil has been unleashed and Society is running amuck. Scripture has taken a back seat in schools. Fools have taken over lecture! Women dress up as men and men dress up as women. Chameleons are changing form and rocking the family structure and it seems to be praised. How do you change your structure and win Woman of the Year?
Debates about Sodom and Gomorrah proceed with Intervention. Following man’s and not God’s law is never up for debate. The Soul will never escape! To Hell with you and your foolish ways! You have destroyed an entire generation with your blasphemous ways. Depart from me for I never knew you. The pulpit is not to be mocked! Vipers have taken over lectures about feminism and the right to hold hands and prance around Society for notoriety.
Society has fallen short of the grace of God! Humble thy self and receive righteousness for no one knows the hour for the second coming of Christ! Nothing is new under the son. Pray and change your sinful ways for Society will all be judged! Family structure is being attacked, men seem to be taken advantage of! Women are chanting we don’t need men. Men were put here to lead! For a husband has authority over his wife just as Christ has authority over the church; and Christ is himself the Saviour of the church, his body. And so wives must submit completely to their husbands just as the church submits itself to Christ. Follow me and I will give you eternity.