Diversity Of Thought
I am sitting next to intellects debating the diversity of thought. Our thoughts are linear and granular. Perplexed by the meaning of life. So a man think-ith so he becomes. A-sixth sense in sense. Born with remission, a handicap of sorts, one-day judgment will come and we will have to report. The thought of man in a diverse setting. God gave us purpose and wisdom but some have fallen short, most ended up in court! We have a thought that Jesus Christ will save your life, we have thoughts of renditions and seeing new beginnings. A prosperous nation with limitations! The thought to surprise a few, some of our actions, God rebukes you! The thought of a diverse nation where people have dreams and desires. The thought of a diverse thought where people are open to express there opinions and liberties, qualities of a noteworthy society. The thoughts that we can achieve without being deceived, diverse in spirit and thoughts. My thoughts are diverse but some of the actions on earth seem like as a society we are going in reverse. I am a man just like you. I put my pants on one leg at a time, my thoughts are diverse and I am not committing a crime.
I was sitting in Starbucks the other day politicking about wealth creation and forming a new nation where laws are biblical and if we believe, we can achieve. This hostile environment got us handcuffed because our thoughts have been put in remission, is this the devils’ decision? I thought I was in a land of just, equality and freedom of expression? My thoughts seem to be ill-equipped, society has been tricked.
Free to think and oppose our constitution without retribution. Free to think and stand next to my fellow man without repercussions. Free to foster and create new ideas in this great nation without hesitation. Free to live and work and think outside the lines. Free to do Gods work, love thy neighbor and debate about the soul of man. My intellect is diverse in thought. I was told I can be anything I put my mind to, I am grinding to be great along with the diverse thoughts of my fellow man. With my talents, God always has a plan.
Raymond H Smith